This blog post originally appeared on my blog at, which I’m taking down to consolidate with this personal blog. The timestamp is set to the timestamp from the original blog post.
I wrote a post with this same title ages ago on my old blog, which I don’t really feel like bringing back (something about being haunted by things I wrote 15 years ago). But I swear, this post is better anyway! [note: you are reading this on the original blog in terms of the domain, though old posts haven’t been restored]
So in short, there are fonts out there that let you write runes or other ancient sets of characters, but they map the symbols to Roman characters. Meaning you type ‘a’ and you get ᚪ. You change to a different font, you get an a instead of an ᚪ. That’s fine if you’re able to force the text to use a certain font and only that font or if the final product is an image, not text.
Continue reading Write Runes on Your Computer